The Veronicas, an Australian pop duo named after the Archies Comic featuring twin sisters Jessica and Lisa Origliasso, who are hoping to bring their huge success Down Under into the States with a little help from the Jonas Brothers.
Sounds Like: On their second album Hook Me Up, the Veronicas make the leap from teenybopper rock to electro-pop similar to the Sounds and CSS. "That whole indie electro scene was coming up and in a mainstream way we wanted to bring that out in our music," Lisa says of the band's new aesthetic, which immediately resulted in a Number One single, Hook's opening track "Untouched," in their home continent. Onstage though, Jessica says, "Our shows are a lot more rock, we like to keep that alive."
Vital Stats:
• Over the span of only two albums, the sisters have already worked with an all-star lineup of talent including Swede pop god Max Martin, new American Idol judge Kara Dioguardi, Grammy-winning songwriter Billy Sternberg and producer Toby Gad. During their first tour of the U.S. in 2006, the Veronicas' opening act was some little known band called the Jonas Brothers. The Veronicas returned the favor, opening for the JoBros during their Burning Up Jaunt in 2008.
• Like all Aussie-bred kids, the twins were raised on a heavy diet of Back In Black and Michael Hutchence. "Growing up, it was definitely a lot of Australian rock in our household," Lisa remembers, "AC/DC, Rose Tattoo, Skyhooks, INXS." Music is in the Origliasso girls' roots, as the twins were part of a theater company when they were young.
• Like any siblings forced to spend every waking hour with each other on a cramped tour bus (example: Oasis' Gallaghers), the Origliasso twins have a penchant for bickering, often referring to the other as an "idiot" during an argument. "We're together so much… my biggest thing that Jess probably hates is that I'm indecisive," Lisa jokes, "and Jess is a know-it-all, whingeing beep." "Her weaknesses are my strengths, and vice versa," Jessica adds.
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